An important part of preparing to fight for your driving privileges is understanding the legal proceedings in driver’s license hearings. Grabel & Associates can help you prepare for your hearing, and represent you until you are back on the road. We want to help you regain an essential part of your life and your freedom, and will work rigorously to ensure you are back driving as quickly as possible.
If you are eligible for a hearing or administrative review in your Michigan driver’s license case, our skilled team of lawyers will help you understand what paperwork needs to be completed. We will make sure every document is completely and accurately filled out in preparation for your hearing, as many mistakes can be made that will hurt your result.
Your attorney will also help you prepare for the questions you will face at the hearing, and help you build confidence by working through any concerns you may have. We will help witnesses prepare to accurately aid you in your battle to regain your license as well. Preparation is key to any Michigan appeal hearing, and Grabel & Associates has the extensive experience in driver’s license restoration that you need to take full advantage of your opportunity to regain your license.
We have appeared before every hearing officer throughout the state and will direct you in suiting your case to the specific officer you will face. We know what it takes to win in Michigan driver’s license hearings, and are a premier choice for anyone facing a suspended or revoked driver’s license.
You want to demonstrate to the hearings officer that you deserve your license back, and that your paperwork is an accurate portrayal of who you really are. Being ready for your hearing is absolutely essential, and we will work extensively to ensure you are completely prepared before your hearing. The hearings officer will want to see four to six letters of reference from people close to you who can attest to your sobriety and low risk for any future instances of driving under the influence. Our attorneys knows that consistency is key when it comes to your hearing, and we will work to ensure that your letters of reference send a consistent and favorable message.
Your hearing will be set for a specific time, and at the beginning of proceedings, an opening statement will be made and questioning will commence. We will have worked on the questions and answers that will best help you in your case and show the hearings officer that your alcohol problem is under control. You will be confident and prepared by the time your hearing arrives. The hearings officer will also have questions, which is another reason why you need a knowledgeable attorney on your side throughout your driver’s license case. If you have witnesses, your lawyer will use the most beneficial questions at the most opportune time, using every moment of your hearing to further your case for reinstatement.
In your Michigan driver’s license hearing, you will need to clearly and convincingly demonstrate multiple evidences. You must prove that any alcohol or substance abuse problems are under control, and give reason to believe that problems will remain under control. You must prove that you present little or no risk of committing another offense or repeating past abusive behavior. You must also prove that you have the ability and motivation to drive safely within the law.
It is required that you abstain completely from alcohol and illicit substances for six months leading up to your hearing. In some Michigan driver’s license cases, you will be required to abstain from alcohol and controlled substances for a full year. These cases include: having a blood alcohol content (BAC) reading above 0.16 from any offense, three or more alcohol or drug offenses of any kind, alcohol dependency diagnosis, relapse after prior periods of abstinence, or being the driver in a vehicle accident involving alcohol. You must demonstrate this to the hearings officer with a 12-panel drug screen and a complete alcohol assessment. Our attorneys know how to review both of these items to ensure that the correct testing is done and that there aren’t any levels reported on the 12-panel drug screen results that are elevated and may be misleading in reference to your sobriety. Alcohol assessments must be correctly filled out and performed by a reputable professional. Grabel & Associates will assist you in making sure that the correct testing is performed and that the professional used will be satisfactory to the hearings officer.
Read more about the laws and requirements surrounding driver’s license offenses in the Michigan Vehicle Code or contact us and discuss your case for free with a skilled team of appeal hearings attorneys.
Our focus is on getting your license back, and Grabel & Associates has proven experience fighting and winning in Michigan appeal hearings. Anyone facing a driver’s license suspension or revoked driving privileges should contact us immediately and begin preparing to earn your license back.
Our attorneys will thoroughly investigate your case and the potential legal options available to you, and guide you through the hearing process. We effectively aid in preparation of documents, and will rigorously help you to prepare for any appeal hearing. We know how to win driver’s license restoration cases, and have an outstanding 97% win rate in first time driver’s license hearings. We owe our repeated success to our attention to detail and ability to take the key elements of your driver’s license restoration case and create a consistently positive message. The documents gathered for your hearing will come from multiple sources, you need to be sure that there is nothing in those documents that could be misunderstood by the hearings officer and that they report consistent findings about your sobriety. You only have one chance per year to appeal your driver’s license suspension, it’s imperative that you get it right the first time. Our firm will ensure that you are putting your best foot forward and have the greatest chance of a winning result. If you need a lawyer in Detroit, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Ann Arbor, Lansing, or anywhere else in the state of Michigan, contact us immediately to access our first-rate legal representation.
Additionally, look at our proven results and see some of the recent successes we have had in Michigan cases just like yours. You need an attorney who has experience winning in a variety of cases and situations, and Grabel & Associates provides you with a decisive edge in your driver’s license appeal hearing.
We are available 24/7 to discuss the circumstances of your driver’s license suspension or revocation, and can begin working on your case no matter what stage of the process you are in. Call us at our toll free number, 1-800-677-9795 and speak with an experienced case analyst who can help you understand the difficult and sometimes confusing process of getting your license back. You can also get in touch with our established Michigan firm by contacting us online.
Grabel & Associates has earned a reputation as a top-quality law firm by consistently producing unrivaled results in driver’s license hearing cases. Don’t jeopardize your result by failing to hire the best Michigan driver’s license restoration lawyer, contact us right now and obtain crucial guidance and representation that will help you get your driver’s license reinstated.