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Attorney Profiles

The attorneys at Grabel & Associates have successfully defended thousands of clients throughout the state of Michigan who have lost their driving privileges because of multiple alcohol related offenses or excessive points on their driving record for over 20 years. Grabel & Associates believes that everyone who has lost their driver's license has the right to the highest quality, most aggressive legal representation. Our team of dedicated lawyers is focused on only one goal: do whatever is necessary to get our clients reinstated and back on the road in the quickest time frame possible. Our attorneys have successfully represented clients before every Hearings Officer throughout the state of Michigan. This experience has gained our firm a well-earned statewide reputation for outstanding case results with thousands of successful driver's license restoration hearings. Our attorney's attention to every detail ensures our clients are successful the first time they appear before the Office of Hearings and Administrative Oversight section of Michigan Secretary of State. 

If you, or someone you know, have a suspended driver's license anywhere in the state of Michigan, we strongly encourage you to contact a lawyer at Grabel & Associates for a free, confidential consultation to explain how we can help.

The lawyers of Grabel & Associates defend clients in all 83 counties in Michigan including the communities of Lansing, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Mount Pleasant, Saginaw, Ann Arbor, and Detroit and all of Northern Michigan.


Available 24/7 for Legal Consultation

We represent clients seeking reinstatement of their driver’s licenses in Detroit, Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, Lansing, and throughout the state of Michigan. Whatever driver’s license situation you or a loved one is facing, call us right now at our toll free number, 1-800-342-7896. An experienced case analyst is available to speak with you anytime of day, any day of the week, and can help you better understand the legal options available to you.

Please note: Recently Administrative Hearings Section (AHS) changed their name to the Office of Hearings and Administrative Oversight. Common use of the name Office of Hearings and Administrative Oversight has not yet been widely accepted and the entity responsible for driver's license hearings is still referred to as AHS in almost all legal areas, which is why we continue to use the term "AHS" throughout our website. More information about this change can be found at the Michigan Secretary of State's website.

Client Reviews

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