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Farmington Hills Driver's License Restoration Attorney

Farmington Hills is a gridlock of suburbia, and being 30 miles from Detroit and on the outskirts of the greater Detroit metro area, getting public transportation in this area is difficult. As such, if you’ve had your driver’s license suspended or revoked, you may be wondering how you can get it back as soon as possible. Fortunately, you do have some legal options available to you. No matter the reason for your suspension or revocation, one of the first steps in getting your license back is to call your Farmington Hills driver’s license attorney at Grabel & Associates.

With decades of experience successfully representing clients in Michigan driver’s license review hearings (a 97% win rate), and diligent and professional legal investigatory capabilities, we’ll aggressively fight for your driver’s license and your continued freedom on Michigan roads and highways. Call Grabel & Associates today at 1-800-677-9795 for a free consultation regarding your case. Meanwhile, you can learn more about driver’s license suspensions and license reinstatements below.

Reasons for a Driver’s License Suspension or Revocation

In Michigan, the Secretary of State takes driving safety very seriously. According to the Michigan State Police Criminal Justice Information Center, there were 39,843 accidents in 2018; 64 of these crashes resulted in death and 7,708 that resulted in injury. To minimize death and injury on Michigan roads, the Secretary of State reserves the right to suspend or revoke driver’s licenses due to unsafe driving behavior. The most common reasons for a suspended or revoked driver’s license in Michigan include:

Drunk Driving and Driver’s License Suspensions

In Michigan, drunk drivers with a 0.08 BAC or higher may be charged with Operating While Intoxicated (OWI). At the traffic stop, if you refuse to take a chemical test, your license may be suspended for the following:

  • First offense — One-year suspension
  • Second offense — Two-year suspension
  • Third offense — Five-year suspension

Furthermore, for a first-offense OWI, you may receive a license suspension for up to six months, and the State could require an Ignition Interlock Device (IID). For a second-offense OWI, you State may suspend your license for a year and require a mandatory Ignition Interlock Device (IID). If you have a High BAC of 0.17 or higher, your license may be suspended for a year and, if you have multiple drunk or drugged driving convictions, you may be designated as a habitual alcohol offender.

How to Reinstate Your Driver’s License in Michigan

In general, if the Michigan Secretary of State has suspended your license, you may need to satisfy the suspension requirements before the State can reinstate your license. The reinstatement requirements vary depending on the unique circumstances of your offense and whether your license was suspended or revoked.

For instance, the requirements for reinstating a suspended license often include:

For a revoked license, you’ll need to reapply for your driver’s license one year after your first revocation or five years after any subsequent revocation. Furthermore, depending on the circumstances of the revocation and your driving record, you may need to petition the court and the Office of Hearings and Administrative Oversight section of Michigan Secretary of State.

Call the Driver’s License Lawyers at Grabel & Associates

At Grabel & Associates, we’ve represented clients across the Michigan state, and we understand that, in Farmington Hills, driving it not a convenience but an absolute necessity. By calling the driver’s license attorneys at Grabel, you’ll be getting decades of experience and a 97% success rate at driver’s license review hearings. In fact, we have a written guarantee that states, “If we don't succeed in getting your driver's license restored at the first hearing, our Michigan driver's license reinstatement lawyers will represent you at no charge in any future hearings--until your driving privileges are restored.”

Retake your freedom and get back on the road by calling our Farmington Hills driver’s license attorneys today! Call now at 1-800-677-9795 (toll-free) or fill out and submit our online Contact Us form. Free consultations are available 24 hours a day - seven days a week.

Please note: Recently Administrative Hearings Section (AHS) changed their name to the Office of Hearings and Administrative Oversight. Common use of the name Office of Hearings and Administrative Oversight has not yet been widely accepted and the entity responsible for driver's license hearings is still referred to as AHS in almost all legal areas, which is why we continue to use the term "AHS" throughout our website. More information about this change can be found at the Michigan Secretary of State's website.

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